Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blogging about Blogging

This past month I have become a blogging pro using Google Blogger.  I have been able to post artifacts from classroom experiences, some have been better than others, but overall blogging has been one of the simplest tasks I have completed.  Before completing this blog I looked back at my past posts.  I have posted about by struggles, strengths and ideas about our class projects. What I really enjoyed about blogging, was the fact that I had an audience.  At first blogging was just an assignment, but I found that I was proud of what I had learned thus far and wanted to post so that my family and friends could read about my experiences.  It is helpful to write and reflect upon the knowledge that was gained, but writing for an audience gives me an extra boost to share everything.  I guess that is why I want to use a blog for my classroom.
Creating the blog was the most difficult, just because there is not really room for error.  I learned that the difficult way, changing the name of the blog is not an option, so I had to create a whole new blog on the first day.  Posting blogs, adding pictures, and links were the easy part.  I was even surprised how easy it was to embed slideshows and artifacts from Web 2.0 Tools. If I had to choose a single tool that I would use in the classroom, this would be it.  It is very versatile, but also is something that I enjoy.  Since it is something I enjoy, I think it is safe to say I would frequently update the blog and post artifacts from our classroom experiences. 

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