Tuesday, July 5, 2011

PB Works Wiki

Using a wiki was a complete foreign concept to me before this class.  I really had no clue what it was about, or what it event meant.  I was thinking it was more of a widget or gadget, boy was I wrong.  It took me a few tries to get it down, but by the end of this class I feel like I am pretty fluent in the wiki world.  Using PB Works was very exhausting at the beginning.  By the end of the first day I was almost in tears over the navigation bar.  I learned that copy and paste does not work very well.  It will change the page link to a website link. That particular equation is wrong!  That was my biggest issue with the wiki, and it took about two days to figure out the navigation bar.  Adding content was very easy.  I was surprised by the ease of adding text, photos, and web links (not in the navigation bar).  Next time I would like to explore a little more with the sidebar, changing the layout or something to make it look a little more creative.  This tool can really be useful in my classroom.  It is an innovative way of communicating with family members, but it also provides the families with a form of communication between each other.  I am interested to explore and find other uses for the wiki in my classroom.

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