Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A digital story about South Africa

Creating digital stories are easy to create.  I was very surprised at the simplicity of Movie Maker.  The step-by-step directions were helpful, but I am confident that I could have figured out everything eventually.  My biggest issue overall did not have anything to do with the program.  My issue was with copyright.  Since I was going a digital story about my trip to South Africa, and including the animals, history, and people I really wanted to use a song that reflected the South Africa that I fell in love with.  Shakria's song "Waka Waka (This time for Africa)." This song was the official song for the FIFA World Cup 2010, and really portrays the Africa that I love so dearly.  Unfortunately because of copyright, it would be impossible to use.  I was then directed to and their music selection was amazing.  It took me a total of two minutes to find the perfect song. Working on the project I learned that there a variety of ways that I can use technology to share projects and field trips with families.  In addition, I learned the importance of using storyboards.  I like to have a plan, and know what I need to work on and what I need to make modifications to.  I ended up doing two storyboards, my original and revised. Creating storyboards is probably kept me clam during this process.  I can be overwhelmed by technology, but this assignment was a lot less stressful for me.  The only  change I would make  for next time, would be my time frame.  I would have liked to have longer to work and change things around.  Since I do not have the software on my personal computer I was more limited on time. Yet, overall I feel as though I completed this assignment successfully. I am excited to use these in the classroom, and possibly my personal life.  Digital stories are easy to create and can portray a variety of lessons or meanings. I almost wish I would have done a story about Nelson Mandela alone, and what he has done for South Africa, but I was happy to share the South Africa I know. 

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