Sunday, June 19, 2011


Using Web 2.0 Tools sounds a lot more intimidating then it really is. When exploring the uses of Wordle I was able to see how easy and useful it really is. Wordle is a program that combines words that you enter into the computer and then generates a word cloud. While Wordle has many more purposes for children who can read, I was still able to find uses for my classroom. This assignment made me move outside of my comfort zone. I am really good at following step by step directions, but when it comes to exploring on my own I struggle. This assignment forced me to explore, and I found myself to be a lot more competent than I thought. Using Wordle in a preschool class would allow me to translate what children say, so that their parents can view it on my blog. In addition it would be an interesting way in which to create word webs, when we are discussing different topics. It can also be a simple way to introduce words. For example you could create a Wordle with Colors being the Keyword, you could then add the color words. After the Wordle was created you could hang it up in the writing center, so that the children can practice. There are several topics that a teacher could use. Exploring Wordle was a way in which to begin researching Web 2.0 tools with ease. After realizing how easy and accessible it was, I am now looking forward to learning about other tools from my classmates.

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