Thursday, June 16, 2011


The video scavenger hunt was a great opportunity to use technology inside the classroom. I usually on relate technology to classroom computers. However, this activity gave me an opportunity to see how I can really use technology in a preschool setting. It was be very easy but also meaningful to let the children take photos during projects and activities. Using programs like Picasa and Google Presentation would allow me to show parents what exactly their children do during our time together. Both of the tools were very easy to navigate. Picasa has more options for editing and creating,which would be more useful for my classroom purposes. Google Presenter is very easy to use, but is also equally as limiting. This tool would only be useful to me when trying to create a project is a short amount of time. The most difficult aspect of working with these tools is resizing the photos. The main lesson I learned is that it takes exploration and a little creativity to use these programs in my classroom, which makes me excited to begin incorporating them.

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