Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Technology for a Preschool Teacher?

TPTE 486 sounded like it would be an interesting course, especially since I am a prek-k student.  I do not know a whole lot about technology, and that may be why im unsure of how preschool aged children can benefit greatly from it.  However, I am looking forward to learning more about technology and how I can incorporate it in my class. 
I am not really sure what to expect from the class, other than it will take lots of time and patience.  I am starting to see how using a blog can really be useful when it comes to communicating with the family members and caregivers of my children.  I am also expecting to learn a lot about photos and their uses.  This class will hopefully give me insight to the exciting and always changing world of technology, and I am ready for the ride!

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